Homemade Fall of Magic

dumwytgi writes:

“Dear Ross Cowman,

I read a list of best RPGs of 2015 and saw Fall of Magic on it. The write-up intrigued me, so I checked it out, got excited, needed to own it, wanted the scroll, checked my finances, bought the electronic version instead because I didn’t have the $75 to spend.

I love the game, but wanted to play the game with the same evocative feel the scroll provides rather than printed out sheets of paper. So I made my own. Spent days staining wood, sketching on linen trying to recreate your work and Doug Keith’s art. Learning to sew to put that gray trim on to keep the cloth from unraveling. In the end, I’m pretty pleased with it. It isn’t as gorgeous as the version you produce, and it definitely doesn’t have those wonderful tokens, but I worked hard on it and I’m proud of it.

But as I got ready to share it, it occurred to me that I was treading on your copyrights. It’s one thing to print up a PDF, but it’s another to recreate it entirely by hand, especially when it involves attempting to recreate the very specialness that makes the special edition special. I’m proud of my copy, but I don’t want to necessarily encourage others to make their own because your version is amazing and I would hate to feel like I were taking money out of your pocket. I guess I wanted to check with you before I shared pictures of it just in case. I may have worked hard on the scroll, but you worked hard on the game, and without your hard work, I wouldn’t have done what I did. I wouldn’t feel right, legally or ethically, sharing without your consent.”

Dear Dumwytgi,

You are awesome.

Signed, Deernicorn

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